Efficiency of Judiciary and Penalty Policy of Courts in Serbia for Criminal Work Violence in Family

Autori članka: 
Dragan Jovašević
Godina izdavanja članka: 
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Apstrak članka: 

Efficiency of Judiciary and Penalty Policy of Courts in Serbia for Criminal Work Violence in Family

Summary: Under the influence of international standards, in the first place of the Istanbul Convention, in Serbia at the beginning of this century, there were several statutory texts such as the Criminal Law (2002), the Family Law (2005), the Criminal Code (2005) and the Law on the Prevention of Violence in the family (2016) determined the concept, elements, characteristics and forms of manifestation of the criminal act of domestic violence, as well as a system of preventive and punitive measures in order to prevent and suppress it. However, there is a greater or lesser disparity between legislative solutions and judicial practice, which also affects the efficiency of the functioning of the judiciary, and therefore the rule of law in general. To a large extent they contribute to the results of the policy of criminal prosecution, ie the criminal policy of the courts for  the criminal offense of domestic violence in the last decade in Serbia whose results are presented in this paper.
Key words: family, violence, law, crime, punishment, penal policy, judiciary

Rezime: Pod uticajem međunarodnih standarda, u prvom redu Istanbulske konvencije, u Srbiji je početkom ovog veka u više zakonsnih tekstova kao što su : Krivični zakon (2002), Porodični zakon (2005), Krivični zakonik (2005) i Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici (2016) odredio pojam,  elemente, karakteristike i oblike ispoljavanja krivičnog dela nasilja u porodici, te sistem preventivnih i kaznenih mera u cilju njegovog sprečavanja i suzbijanja. No, između legislativnih rešenja i pravosudne prakse postoji veća ili manja nesrazmera, što utiče i na efikasnost funkcionisanja pravosuđa, a time i vladavine prava uopšte. Tome u velikoj meri doprinose rezultat politike krivičnog gonjenja, odnosno kaznene politike sudova za krivično delo nasilja u porodici u poslednjoj deceniji u Srbiji čiji su rezultati izloženi u ovom radu.
Ključne reči: porodica, nasilje, zakon, krivično delo, kazna, kaznena politika, pravosuđe.