The Structure of Personality as a Predictor of Criminal Behavior of Patient Dependent on Alcohol

Autori članka: 
Nera Zivlak-Radulović
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Apstrak članka: 

The Structure of Personality as a Predictor of Criminal Behavior of Patient Dependent on Alcohol

Abstract: The research was conducted at the Department of Addictions of the Psychiatry Clinic in BanjaLuka in 2011/2012. It included two groups of examinees.One group was Experimental N (50) which consisted of alcohol addicts who had committed crime and misdemeanor offenses and the second one was a control group N (50) which consisted of alcohol addicts who had not commited these acts. The perpetrators of domestic violence are often treated at the Psychiatry Clinic following the Court verdict.
The aim of the research is to study personality characteristics of alcohol addicts from these stand points: 1) What are the personality characteristics of alcohol addicts. 2) What are the personality specificities of alcohol addicts who have commited criminal acts or offenses and alcohol addicts who have not committed criminal acts and offenses. 3) Can the personality characteristics of alcohol addicts be taken into account indrawing up treatment guidelines for the prevention of relapse of criminal behavior and suggesting possible ways of sanctioning through the legal system.
The research was conducted at the Department of Addictions of the Psychiatry Clinic in BanjaLuka in 2011/2012. It included two groups of examinees.One group was Experimental N (50) which consisted of alcohol addicts who had committed crime and misdemeanor offenses and the second one was a control group N (50) which consisted of alcohol addicts who had not commited these acts. The perpetrators of domestic violence are often treated at the Psychiatry Clinic following the Court verdict.
The results showed that the offenders differ from non-offenders in the fact that they start drinking earlier, and they have a statistically significant difference in many categories of sociopathic characteristics in terms of problems in school,conflicts with law, conflicts within the family, and more often show aggression.
Analysis of the personality characteristics shows statistical significance at the subscale of psychopathic deviation forthe perpetrators.
Category of offenders is significantly more impulsive than non-offenders under all three components of impulsiveness: cognitive, motor and dispersal of attention.
Everything mentioned above indicates the need for early prevention of alcohol and work with high-risk populations. On the other hand, there should be a better secondary prevention where, besides treating alcohol dependence, a group of perpetrators has a need for psychosocial treatment of anger control.

Karakteristike ličnosti zavisnika od alkohola kao smjernice za izricanje vrste mjere obaveznog liječenja

Rezime: Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Odjeljejenju za bolesti zavisnosti Klinke za psihijatriju Banja Luka tokom tokom 2011/ 2012. Obuhvaćene su dvije skupine ispitanika. Jedna skupina je eksperimentalna N ( 50 ) koju čine zavisnici o alkoholu koji su počinioci krivičnog i prekršajnog djela a druga je kontrolna N (50) koju čine zavisnici o alkoholu koji nisu počinioci ovih djela. Počinioci djela nasilja u porodici se često liječe na Klinici za psihijatriju po izrečenoj mjeri od strane Suda.
Cilj istraživanja je bio proučavanje svojstava ličnosti zavisnika od alkohola sa ovih stanovištva:1)Kakve su specifičnosti ličnosti zavisnika od alkohola počinioca krivičnih i prekršajnih djela i zavisnika od alkohola koji nisu počinioci krivičnih i prekršajnih djela. 2)Da li karakteristike ličnosti zavisnika od alkohola mogu biti uzete u obzir kod sačinjavanja terapijskih smjernica u prevenciji recidiva kriminogenog ponašanja i predlaganja mogućeg načina sankcionisanja kroz pravni sistem
Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da počinioci krivičnoga djela se od nepočinioca razlikuju po toma što se ranije počinju opijati, što imaju statistički značajnu razliku po brojnim kategorijama sociopatoloških obilježja u smislu problema u školi, sukoba sa zakonom, sukoba unutar porodice, i češće ispoljavaju agresivnost..Analizom karakteristika ličnosti nalazi se statistička značajnost na subskali psihopatske devijacije za počinioce. Kategorija počinioca je značajno impulsivnija od nepočinioca po sve tri komponente impulsivnosti: kognitivna, motorna i rasutost pažnje.
U zaključku: Sve naprijed navedeno upućuje na potrebu rane prevencije pijenja alkohola i rad sa rizičnom populacijom . S druge strane potrebna je bolja sekundarna prevencija gdje osim liječenja zavisnosti o alkoholu grupa počinioca ima potrebu i za psihosocijalnim tretmanom kontrole srdžbe.

Ključne riječi: struktura ličnosti, zavisnici od alkohola, vrsta mjere obaveznog liječenja