About Civil and Commercial Contracts

Autori članka: 
Prof. dr Slobodan Stanišić
Godina izdavanja članka: 
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Apstrak članka: 

About Civil and Commercial Contracts

Summary: The presentation presented the concept and characteristics of civil and economic contracts, as is the necessity of their distinction from the aspect of the application of maternal and procedural rights. They are analysed and compared to the solutions in terms of regulating contract contracts in the light of two opposing theoretical settings – monist, which believes that it should not be separated by civil and economic contracts and the dualist, which finds that the contracts in the economy are completely separate from the civil society contract, which is why it should be separately regulated in a special trade code, which, apart from the status and static, would contain a dynamic part concerning the contract in the economy. We looked at the criteria for determining the terms of the contract of civil rights and the economy contract, and highlighted the  characteristics that make them diff erent. Special attention is given to the notion of contract on the turnover of goods and services that have been referred to in the general deposits for trade goods, in addition to purchasing and selling of goods, replacement of goods, and business intermediation, advocacy, commissions, transportation, freight forwarding, storage and insurance. “

Keywords: civil law contracts, commercial contracts, freight contracts


Rezime: U referatu se izlažu pojam i osobine građanskih i privrednih ugovora, kao i nužnost njihovog razlikovanja sa aspekta primjene materijanog i procesnog prava. Analiziraju se i upoređuju pojedina rješenja u pogledu regulisanja obligacionih ugovora u svjetlu dvije suprostavljene teorijske postavke – monističke, koja smatra da ne treba razdvajatigrađanske i privredne ugovore i dualističke, koja nalazi da su ugovori u privredi potpuno odvojeni od građanskopravnih ugovora zbog čega ih treba odvojeno regulisatiu posebnom trgovačkom zakoniku koji bi, osim statusnog i statičkog, sadržavao i dinamički dio koji se tiče ugovora u privredi. Osvrnuli smo se na kriterijume za određivanje pojmova ugovora građanskog prava i ugovora o privredi, te istakli osobine koje ih razliku. Posebna pažnja je poklonjena pojmu ugovora o prometu robe i usluga koji su se u Opštim  zansama za promet robe nazivali “poslovi prometa robom, a to su pored kupovine i prodaje robe, zamene robe, i poslovi posredništva, zastupništva, komisiona, prevoza, špedicije, uskladištenja i osiguranja.”

Ključne riječi: građansko pravni ugovori, privredni ugovori, ugovori robnog prometa.