Recenzijski postupak/Peer Review Process

Svi radovi koji prođu prvu uredničku kontrolu podliježu tzv. dvostrukoj slijepoj recenziji (eng. double-blind review) kojom se ne otkriva identitet ni autora ni recenzenta. Ako odluke dvaju recenzenata nisu iste (prihvaćen/odbijen) tada je rad odbijen. Uredništvo pridržava pravo prilagođavanja rada uredničkim propozicijama. Tokom godina smo nastojali privući što veći broj autora, a u isto vrijem i najbolje recenzente za pojedina područja.

All the papers that pass the first editorial control are subject to the so-called double-blind review process which does not reveal the identity of the authors or reviewers. If the decisions of the two reviewers are not the same (accept/reject), the paper is rejected. The Editors reserve the right to make necessary adjustments to the text according to the propositions. During the years we have endeavoured to attract as many authors as possible, and at the same time to find the best reviewers for given areas.