Common Law-Marriages in Regulations of the States of the Former Yugoslav Republic

Autori članka: 
Dragana Ranđelović, Irina Šolaja
Godina izdavanja članka: 
Broj u godini: 
Apstrak članka: 

Common Law-Marriages in Regulations of the States of the Former Yugoslav Republic

Summary: A marital union can be defined as a community of two faces of a different sex, which ends informally and in the same way ends. The authors will analyze the regulation of the constituent elements of the extramarital community in the countries of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as well as the possibility of inheriting extra-marital partners in the observed countries of the region. Since the beginning and termination of the extramarital community is not accompanied by any form, in practice it shows certain deficiencies and weaknesses. By introducing the registration of extramarital communities, numerous problems in practice will be solved, starting from proving the existence of an extramarital community, the commencement and termination of it, the establishment of the joint or special property of extra-marital partners and  other legal consequences that may arise out of these circumstances. 
Key words: extramarital community, registration of extramarital community, inheritance of extramarital partners.

Rezime: Vanbračna zajednica se može definisati kao zajednica života dva lica različitog pola, koja se zaključuje neformalno i na isti način prestaje. Autori će u radu analizirati regulisanje konstitutivnih elemenata vanbračne zajednice u državama bivše Socijalističke Federativne  Republike Jugoslavije, kao i mogućnosti nasleđivanja vanbračnih partnera u posmatranim državama regiona. Budući da početak i prestanak vanbračne zajednice ne prati nikakva forma, u praksi to pokazuje određene nedostatke i slabosti . Uvođenjem registracije vanbračnih zajednica, rešili  bi se brojni problemi u praksi, počevši od dokazivanja postojanja vanbračne zajednice, početka i prestanka iste, utvrđivanja zajedničke, odnosno posebne imovine vanbračnih partnera i drugih pravnih posledica koje mogu proizaći iz ovakvih okolnosti .
Ključne riječi: vanbračna zajednica, registracija vanbračne zajednice, nasleđivanje vanbračnih partnera.