Constitutional Basis for the Application of the EU Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in the Republic of Srpska

Autori članka: 
Siniša Macan, Siniša Karan
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Constitutional Basis for the Application of the EU Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in the Republic of Srpska

Summary: The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantees the right free exchange of goods and services throughout the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the process of integration into the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska have commitied  themselves to adapting their regulations to EU legislation. The exschange of goods and services has switched to the domain of electronic business, by developing Internet technologies. Administration can be viewed through services provided to citizens and the business community. It  can be noted that these services can be services that are available to users through diff erent communication channels. The administration can also provide its services according to prencipes on which e-commerce is based According to mentioned above, the European Union, in  accordance with the Functioning Agreement, defined through the European regulation of services, services that should make available the common market in each member state of the Union. In addition, the European Union has identified ways of identifying and implementing the  services of trust in the market through the adoption of eIDAS regulations, that is, the Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market No. 910/14 Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska have an obligation to adopt legal framework and implement obligations adopted by eIDAS regulations. The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina defines that all governmental functions and powers not expressly assigned to the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina are responsibilities of the Entities. Therefore, regulating the electronic services market is the competence of the Entities. Accordingly, the Republic of Srpska has adopted a set of laws that are in line with eIDAS regulations, defi ning terms that are regulated by eIDAS regulations related to electronic business, electronic  identification and trust services. In 2006, Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Law on Electronic Signature, using the provisions of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina that everything that the Entities agree on is the competence of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This law does not  comply with eIDAS regulations. The paper describes how to apply eIDAS regulations in the Republic of Srpska and presents the situation in the field of application of the European Service Directive, as well as the ways to fully implement eIDAS regulations and exchange information  on trust services and certifitication bodies with the institutions of the European Union and other Member States.
Key words: Trast services, Digital Signature, Qualifi ed Digital Signature, Electronic Business, Electronic Services, eIDAS, EUSD

Rezime: Ustav Bosne i Hercegovine garantuje pravo na slobodu kretanja robe i usluga na cijeloj teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine. U procesu integracije u Evropsku uniju, Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Srpska su se obavezali da će prilagoditi svoje propise zakonodavstvu Evropske unije. Protok robe i usluga se, razvojem internet tehnologija, u određenoj mjeri prebacio u domen elektronskog poslovanja. Ako se uprava posmatra preko usluga koje pruža građanima i poslovnoj zajednici, može se konstatovati da ove usluge mogu biti servisi koji su dostupni korisnicima različitim  kanalima komunikacije. I uprava može svoje usluge pružati prema prencipima na kojima je zasnovane elektronsko poslovanje. Shodno navedenom, Evropska unija je, shodno Ugovoru o funkcionisanju, defi nisala kroz Evropsku regulativu o uslugama, servise koji bi trebali da učine  dostupnim zajedničko tržište u svakoj članici Unije. Također, Evropska unija je utvrdila načine identifikacije i načine realizacije usluga povjerenja na jedinstvenom tržištu kroz usvajanje eIDAS regulative, odnosno Regulative o elektronskoj identifikaciji i uslugama povjerenja za  elektronske transakcije na unutrašnjem tržištu broj 910/14. Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Srpska imaju obavezu da usvoje zakonske odredbe kojima provode obaveze usvojene eIDAS regulativom. U članu 3 stav 3 tačka a) Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine je propisano da sve što nije  isključiva nadležnost Bosne i Hercegovinen propisana Ustavom jeste nadležnost entiteta. Dakle, regulisanje tržišta elektronskih usluga jeste nadležnost entiteta. Shodno tome, Republika Srpska je usvojila set zakona koji je usklađen sa eIDAS regulativom i kojima se defi nišu pojmovi koji su regulisane eIDAS regulativom vezano za elektronsko poslovanje, elektronsku identifi kaciju i usluge povjerenja. Još 2006 godine je Bosna i Hercegovina usvojila Zakon o elektronskom potpisu, koristeći odredbe Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine da je sve ono o č emu se entiteti  usaglase nadležnost Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovaj Zakon nije usklađen sa eIDAS regulativom. U okviru rada je obrađen način primjene eIDAS regulative u Republici Srpskoj, te je prikazano stanje u oblasti relizacije Evropske direktive o uslugama, kao i načini pune primjene eIDAS regulative i razmjenu podataka o uslugama povjerenja i certifikacionim tijelima sa institucijama Evropske unije i drugim zemljama članicama.

Ključne riječi: Usluga povjerenja, digitalni potpis, kvalifi kovani digitalni potpis, elektronsko poslovanje, elektronski servisi, eIDAS, EU direktiva o uslugama.