Construction on Somebody Else’s Property

Autori članka: 
Duško Medić
Godina izdavanja članka: 
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Construction on Somebody Else’s Property

Abstract: Construction on somebody else’s property is a legal way of aquiring property rights. That is the case of an artificial growth of immovable property which is in existence when someone builds a construction project with his own material and work and locate it on somebody else’s land, and in addition to that there is not any contractual or other relations regulating that matter between the owner and the constructor. This institute is being under a reformation by the Proprietary law of Republika Srpska.General determination is to protect the owner of the land. Principle superficies solo credit is nearly carried out now. Only exception is the case when a constructor is scrupulous and the owner is unscrupulous. In that case the constructor becomes the owner of the building along with the land for its regular usage. In all other cases the owner of the land is preffered.
Key words: construction , somebody else’s land, building, constructor, land owner


Građenje na tuđem zemljištu

Rezime: Građenje na tuđem zemljištu je originarni način sticanja prava svojine. To je slučaj vještačkog priraštaja nepokretnosti, koji postoji kad neko svojim materijalom i radom podigne građevinski objekat na tuđem zemljištu, a pri tome između njega i vlasnika zemljišta ne postoji ugovorni ili drugi odnos koji to reguliše. Zakon o stvarnim pravima Republike Srpske ovaj institut značajno reformiše. Generalno opredjeljenje je da se primarno štiti vlasnik zemljišta. Načelo superficies solo cedit je sada gotovo dosljedno sprovedeno. Jedini izuzetak je slučaj kada je graditelj savjestan, a vlasnik zemljišta nesavjestan. Tada graditelj postaje vlasnik zgrade sa zemljištem za njenu redovnu upotrebu. U svim ostalim slučajevima preferira se vlasnik zemljišta.
Ključne riječi: građenje, tuđe zemljište, graditelj, vlasnik zemljišta.